Documentation de Pyromaths 21.8.2



Code source de pyromaths.classes.Fractions

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Pyromaths
# Un programme en Python qui permet de créer des fiches d'exercices types de
# mathématiques niveau collège ainsi que leur corrigé en LaTeX.
# Copyright (C) 2006 -- Jérôme Ortais (
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

from pyromaths.outils.Arithmetique import pgcd, ppcm
from collections import Counter
from pyromaths.classes.SquareRoot import SquareRoot
from pyromaths.outils.Priorites3 import EstNombre, texify
from functools import reduce

[docs]class Fraction: """Cette classe crée la notion de fractions. code permet de préciser si une décomposition a pour objectif une mise au même dénominateur 'r' ou une simplification 's' >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> repr(Fraction(5,6)) Fraction(5, 6) >>> repr(Fraction('x',6)) Fraction("x", 6) >>> repr(Fraction(3.4)) Fraction(34, 10) >>> repr(Fraction(3.0, 4.0)) Fraction(3, 4) >>> repr(Fraction(Fraction(1,3))) Fraction(1, 3) """
[docs] def __init__(self, n, d=1, code=""): from pyromaths.classes.PolynomesCollege import Polynome if isinstance(n, float) and abs(n) != float("inf"): e = len(format(float(n), ".15g").partition('.')[2]) n = int(n * 10 ** e) d = d * 10 ** e if isinstance(d, float): e = len(str(d).partition('.')[2].rstrip('0')) d = int(d * 10 ** e) n = n * 10 ** e self.n = n if n == 0 : self.d = 1 else: self.d = d self.code = code if isinstance(n, Fraction) and d == 1 and code == "": # Fraction(Fraction(1, 3)) renvoie Fraction(1, 3) self.n = n.n self.d = n.d self.code = n.code
[docs] def __str__(self): r"""**str**\ (*object*) Renvoie une version LaTeX de la :class:`Fraction`. >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> str(Fraction(8,1)) 8 >>> str(Fraction(5,6)) \dfrac{5}{6} >>> str(Fraction('-5*2', '3*2', 'r')) \dfrac{-5_{\times 2}}{3_{\times 2}} >>> str(Fraction('5*-7*2', '11*2*5', 's')) \dfrac{\cancel{5}\times \left( -7\right) \times \cancel{2}}{11\times \cancel{2}\times \cancel{5}} >>> str(Fraction('-144', '22', 's')) \dfrac{-72\times \cancel{2}}{11\times \cancel{2}} >>> from pyromaths.classes.SquareRoot import SquareRoot >>> str(Fraction(SquareRoot([[-10, None], [-1, 80]]), -2)) \dfrac{-10-\sqrt{80}}{-2} >>> str(Fraction(SquareRoot([[-10, None], [-4, 5]]), -2, 's')) \dfrac{\left( 5+2\,\sqrt{5}\right) \times \cancel{-2}}{1\times \cancel{-2}} :rtype: string """ from pyromaths.outils.Priorites3 import splitting #======================================================================= # print (repr(self)) #======================================================================= if self.n == 0 or self.n == '0': return '0' lnum, lden = [], [] if isinstance(self.n, str): lnum = splitting(self.n) if isinstance(self.d, str): lden = splitting(self.d) if len(lnum) == 1: self.n, lnum = eval(self.n), [] if len(lden) == 1: self.d, lden = eval(self.d), [] if self.d == 1: return (str(self.n), texify([lnum])[0])[lnum != []] if self.code == "r": # lnum et lden doivent être définis et se terminer par [..., '*', valeur] if not lnum or not lden or lnum[-2:] != lden[-2:]: raise ValueError(u'Mauvais usage de l\'étiquettes "r" dans %r' % self) lden[-2], lden[-1], lnum[-2], lnum[-1] = [lden[-2], 'indice'], [lden[-1], 'indice'], [lnum[-2], 'indice'], [lnum[-1], 'indice'] return '\\dfrac{%s}{%s}' % (texify([lnum])[0], texify([lden])[0]) if self.code == "s": if isinstance(self.n, (int, float, SquareRoot)) and isinstance(self.d, (int, float, SquareRoot)): lepgcd = pgcd(self.n, self.d) lnum, lden = [repr(self.n // lepgcd), '*', [str(lepgcd), 'cancel']], [repr(self.d // lepgcd), '*', [str(lepgcd), 'cancel']] else: for i in range(len(lnum)): if lnum[i] != '*' and lden.count(lnum[i]): # On doit simplifier la fraction par ce nombre j = lden.index(lnum[i]) lden[j] = [lden[j], 'cancel'] lnum[i] = [lnum[i], 'cancel'] return '\\dfrac{%s}{%s}' % (texify([lnum])[0], texify([lden])[0]) s = r'\dfrac' s += '{%s}' % (self.n, texify([lnum])[0])[lnum != []] s += '{%s}' % (self.d, texify([lden])[0])[lden != []] return s
[docs] def __repr__(self): """**repr**\ (*object*) Renvoie une chaîne de caractère représentant une :mod:`Fraction` évaluable pour créer un :mod:`Fraction`. >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> repr(Fraction(5,6)) Fraction(5, 6) >>> repr(Fraction('-72*2', '11*2', 'r')) Fraction("-72*2", "11*2", "r") >>> repr(Fraction('-72*2', '11*2', 's')) Fraction("-72*2", "11*2", "s") :rtype: string """ if isinstance(self.n, str): num = "\"%s\"" % self.n else: num = "%r" % self.n if isinstance(self.d, str): den = "\"%s\"" % self.d else: den = "%r" % self.d if self.code: return "Fraction(%s, %s, \"%s\")" % (num, den, self.code) else: return "Fraction(%s, %s)" % (num, den)
[docs] def __abs__(self): """Renvoie la valeur absolue d'une fraction """ self = Fraction(self.n, self.d) if self.n * self.d > 0: return self else: return -self
[docs] def __add__(self, *others): """*object*\ .\ **__add__**\ (*other*) ``p.__add__(q)`` est équivalent à ``p + q`` calcule la somme de deux fractions. *other* peut être une chaîne représentant une fraction, un entier ou un réel. >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> Fraction(2,5) + Fraction(2,10) Fraction("2*2", "5*2", "r")+Fraction(2, 10) >>> Fraction(2,20) + Fraction(2,10) Fraction(2, 20)+Fraction("2*2", "10*2", "r") >>> repr(Fraction(5,10) + Fraction(2,10)) Fraction(7, 10) >>> Fraction(5,7) + Fraction(2,10) Fraction("5*10", "7*10", "r")+Fraction("2*7", "10*7", "r") :param: other :type: Fraction ou string :rtype: Fraction ou string **TODO :** Attention, 1+3/4 donne 1*4/1*4 + 3/4 à la place de 4/4+3/4. À corriger """ from pyromaths.classes.PolynomesCollege import Polynome lother, lden, traiter = [], [], False if self.code: traiter = True details, var = 0, '' for other in others: if other == 0: pass elif isinstance(other, Polynome): var = other.var if details != 0 : details = min(details, other.details) else: details = other.details lother.append(other) elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): lother.append(Fraction(other)) lden.append(1) elif isinstance(other, Fraction): lother.append(other) if other.code: traiter = True try: lden.append(eval(other.d)) except TypeError: lden.append(other.d) else: raise ValueError(u'Format incorrect : %s' % (other)) if var: self = Polynome([[self, 0]], var, details) for i in range(len(lother)): if not isinstance(lother[i], Polynome): lother[i] = Polynome([[lother[i], 0]], var, details) return Polynome.__add__(self, *lother) if traiter: lfrac = [repr(self.traitement())] for other in lother: lfrac.append(repr(other.traitement())) return "+".join(lfrac) try: self.d = eval(self.d) except TypeError: pass if not lother: return self # On a ajouté 0 leppcm = ppcm(self.d, *lden) if self.d == leppcm: # Vérifions si toutes les fractions ont le même dénominateur d = Counter(lden) if d[leppcm] == len(lden): try: num = eval(self.n) except TypeError: num = self.n for other in lother: try: num += eval(other.n) except TypeError: num += other.n return Fraction(num, leppcm) if self.n: lfrac = [repr(self.choix_denominateur(leppcm))] else: lfrac = [] for other in lother: lfrac.append(repr(other.choix_denominateur(leppcm))) if lfrac: return "+".join(lfrac) else: return "0"
[docs] def choix_denominateur(self, denominateur): """ Écrit la fraction self avec le dénominateur denominateur """ if denominateur != self.d: return Fraction("%s*%s" % (self.n, denominateur // self.d), "%s*%s" % (self.d, denominateur // self.d), "r") else: return self
[docs] def __radd__(self, other): """*object*\ .\ **__radd__**\ (*other*) ``p.__radd__(q)`` est équivalent à ``p + q`` calcule la somme de l'objet p avec la fraction q *other* peut être une chaîne représentant un entier ou un réel. >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> 3 + Fraction(2,5) Fraction("3*5", "1*5", "r")+Fraction(2, 5) :param: other :type: real ou integer :rtype: string """ if other == 0 : return self if self == 0 : return other if isinstance(other, str): other = eval(other) if isinstance(other, str): return '%s+%r' % (other, self) else: return '%r+%r' % (other, self) return Fraction(other) + self
[docs] def __sub__(self, *others): """*object*\ .\ **__sub__**\ (*other*) ``p.__sub__(q)`` est équivalent à ``p - q`` calcule la différence de deux fractions. *other* peut être une chaîne représentant une fraction, un entier ou un réel. Pour plus de détails, voir :py:func:`__add__`""" from pyromaths.classes.PolynomesCollege import Polynome lother, lden, traiter = [], [], False if self.code: traiter = True details, var = True, '' for other in others: if other == 0: pass elif isinstance(other, Polynome): var = other.var if details != 0 : details = min(details, other.details) else: details = other.details lother.append(other) elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): lother.append(Fraction(other)) lden.append(1) elif isinstance(other, Fraction): lother.append(other) if other.code: traiter = True try: lden.append(eval(other.d)) except TypeError: lden.append(other.d) else: raise ValueError(u'Format incorrect : %s' % (other)) if var: self = Polynome([[self, 0]], var, details) for i in range(len(lother)): if not isinstance(lother[i], Polynome): lother[i] = Polynome([[lother[i], 0]], var, details) return Polynome.__sub__(self, *lother) if traiter: lfrac = [repr(self.traitement())] for other in lother: lfrac.append(repr(other.traitement())) return "-".join(lfrac) try: self.d = eval(self.d) except TypeError: pass if not lother: return self # On a ajouté 0 leppcm = ppcm(self.d, *lden) if self.d == leppcm: # Vérifions si toutes les fractions ont le même dénominateur d = Counter(lden) if d[leppcm] == len(lden): try: num = eval(self.n) except TypeError: num = self.n for other in lother: try: num += -eval(other.n) except TypeError: num += -other.n return Fraction(num, leppcm) if self.n: lfrac = [repr(self.choix_denominateur(leppcm))] else: lfrac = [] for other in lother: if lfrac: lfrac.append(repr(other.choix_denominateur(leppcm))) else: lfrac.append(repr(-other.choix_denominateur(leppcm))) # On effectue Fraction(0,3)-Fraction(2,3), il faut donc prendre l'opposé de Fraction(2,3), puisque Fraction(0,3) a été supprimée if lfrac: return "-".join(lfrac) else: return "0"
[docs] def __rsub__(self, other): """*object*\ .\ **__rsub__**\ (*other*) ``p.__rsub__(q)`` est équivalent à ``p - q`` calcule la différence de l'objet p par la fraction q. *other* peut être un entier ou un réel. Pour plus de détails, voir :py:func:`__radd__`""" return Fraction(other) - self
[docs] def __mul__(self, *others): """*object*\ .\ **__mul__**\ (*other*) ``p.__mul__(q)`` est équivalent à ``p * q`` calcule le produit deux fractions. *other* peut être une chaîne représentant une fraction, un entier ou un réel. >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> repr(Fraction(2,5) * Fraction(2,10)) Fraction("2*2", "5*2*5", "s") >>> repr(Fraction(2,5) * 4) Fraction(8, 5) >>> repr(Fraction(63,20) * Fraction(8,27)) Fraction("9*7*4*2", "4*5*9*3", "s") >>> repr(Fraction(24,12) * 12) Fraction("24*12", "12*1", "s") >>> repr(12*Fraction(24,12)) Fraction("12*24", "1*12", "s") :param: other :type: Fraction ou string :rtype: Fraction ou string """ from pyromaths.classes.PolynomesCollege import Polynome from pyromaths.classes.Polynome import Polynome as PolynomeLycee from .Racine import RacineDegre2 if self == 0: return 0 self = Fraction(self.n, self.d) # Pour contourner le cas où self = Fraction(Fraction(1, 1), 1) lother, lnum, lden, details, var, traiter, lycee = [self], [self.n], [self.d], 0, '', False, False for other in others: if other == 0: return 0 elif isinstance(other, Polynome): var = other.var details = min(details, other.details) lother.append(other) elif isinstance(other, PolynomeLycee): var = other.var lycee = True lother.append(other) elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): lden.append(1) lnum.append(other) lother.append(Fraction(other)) elif isinstance(other, Fraction): lother.append(other) if other.code: traiter = True try: lden.append(eval(other.d)) except TypeError: lden.append(other.d) try: lnum.append(eval(other.n)) except TypeError: lnum.append(other.n) elif isinstance(other, RacineDegre2): lother.append(other) lden.append(other.denominateur) lnum.append(other.numerateur) else: raise ValueError(u'Format incorrect : %s' % (other)) if var: if lycee: self = PolynomeLycee({0:self}, var) return PolynomeLycee.__mul__(self, other) else: self = Polynome([[self, 0]], var, details) return Polynome.__mul__(self, *lother[1:]) if traiter: lfrac = [repr(self.traitement())] for other in lother: lfrac.append(repr(other.traitement())) return "*".join(lfrac) try: self.d = eval(self.d) except TypeError: pass s = abs(pgcd(reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, lnum), reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, lden))) if s == 1: return Fraction(reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, lnum), reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, lden)) lepgcd, num, den = s, [], [] i = 0 while i < len(lnum): if lepgcd == 1 or lepgcd in lnum: num.append("*".join([repr(lnum[k]) for k in range(i, len(lnum))])) break else: lepgcdtmp = pgcd(lnum[i], lepgcd) if lepgcdtmp != 1: num.append("%r*%r" % (lepgcdtmp, lnum[i] // lepgcdtmp)) else: num.append("%r" % lnum[i]) lepgcd = lepgcd // lepgcdtmp i += 1 i, lepgcd = 0, s while i < len(lden): if lepgcd == 1 or lepgcd in lden: den.append("*".join([repr(lden[k]) for k in range(i, len(lden))])) break else: lepgcdtmp = pgcd(lden[i], lepgcd) if lepgcdtmp != 1: den.append("%r*%r" % (lepgcdtmp, lden[i] // lepgcdtmp)) else: den.append("%r" % lden[i]) lepgcd = lepgcd // lepgcdtmp i += 1 num, den = "*".join(num), "*".join(den) while num[:2] == "1*": num = num[2:] while "*1*" in num: num = num.replace("*1*", "*", 1) if num[-2:] == "*1": num = num[:-2] if s == reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, lnum): # laisser un *1 ou 1* selon if self.n == 1: num = "1*" + num else: num += "*1" while den[:2] == "1*": den = den[2:] while "*1*" in den: den = den.replace("*1*", "*" , 1) if den[-2:] == "*1": den = den[:-2] if s == reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, lden): # laisser un *1 if self.d == 1: den = "1*" + den else: den += "*1" if "*" in num: num = num.strip() if "*" in den: den = den.strip() return Fraction(num, den, "s")
[docs] def __rmul__(self, other): """*object*\ .\ **__rmul__**\ (*other*) ``p.__rmul__(q)`` est équivalent à ``p * q`` calcule le produit de l'objet p par la fraction q. *other* peut être un entier ou un réel. Pour plus de détails, voir :py:func:`__radd__`""" return Fraction(other) * self
# def __truediv__(self, fraction): # pour Python 3
[docs] def __truediv__(self, other): """*object*\ .\ **__div__**\ (*other*) ``p.__div__(q)`` est équivalent à ``p / q`` calcule le quotient de deux fractions. *other* peut être une chaîne représentant une fraction, un entier ou un réel. >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> repr(Fraction(2,5) / Fraction(10,2)) 'Fraction(2, 5)*Fraction(2, 10)' >>> repr(Fraction(2,5) / 4) 'Fraction(2, 5)*Fraction(1, 4)' :param: other :type: Fraction ou string :rtype: Fraction ou string """ if (isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float)): other = Fraction(other) return "%r*%r" % (self, ~other)
[docs] def __rtruediv__(self, other): """*object*\ .\ **__rtruediv__**\ (*other*) ``p.__rtruediv__(q)`` est équivalent à ``p / q`` calcule le produit de l'objet p par la fraction q. *other* peut être un entier ou un réel. >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> repr(1/Fraction(1,3)) '1*Fraction(3, 1)' Pour plus de détails, voir :py:func:`__radd__`""" return "%r*%r" % (other, ~self)
[docs] def __invert__(self): """**__invert__**\ (*self*) ``__invert__(p)`` est équivalent à ``~p`` calcule l'inverse de la fraction p. >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> repr(~Fraction(8,27)) Fraction(27, 8) """ return Fraction(self.d, self.n)
[docs] def __neg__(self): """**__neg__**\ (*self*) ``__neg__(p)`` est équivalent à ``-p`` calcule l'opposé de la fraction p. >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> repr(-Fraction(8,27)) Fraction(-8, 27) """ if self.code: self = self.traitement() return Fraction(-self.n, self.d)
[docs] def __pos__(self): """**__pos__**\ (*self*) ``__pos__(p)`` est équivalent à ``+p`` Renvoie la fraction p. >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> repr(+Fraction(8,27)) Fraction(8, 27) """ return Fraction(self.n, self.d)
[docs] def __pow__(self, n): """**__pow__**\ (*self*, *n*) ``p__pow__(q)`` est équivalent à ``p**q`` calcule p à la puissance q. >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> repr(Fraction(2,3)**4) Fraction(16, 81) :param: n :type: Integer :rtype: Fraction """ return Fraction(self.n ** n, self.d ** n)
def __trunc__(self): return self.n // self.d
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): other = Fraction(other) if other.traitement().d * self.traitement().d > 0: return self.traitement().n * other.traitement().d < self.traitement().d * other.traitement().n else : return not(self.traitement().n * other.traitement().d < self.traitement().d * other.traitement().n)
[docs] def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): other = Fraction(other) if other.d * self.d > 0: return self.n * other.d <= self.d * other.n else : return not(self.n * other.d <= self.d * other.n)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): other = Fraction(other) if isinstance(other, Fraction): return self.reduit().n * other.reduit().d == self.reduit().d * other.reduit().n
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): other = Fraction(other) return self.n * other.d != self.d * other.n
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): other = Fraction(other) if other.d * self.d > 0: return self.n * other.d > self.d * other.n else : return not(self.n * other.d > self.d * other.n)
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): other = Fraction(other) if other.d * self.d > 0: return self.n * other.d >= self.d * other.n else : return not(self.n * other.d >= self.d * other.n)
def __float__(self): f = self.traitement() return f.n/f.d def __int__(self): assert self.n % self.d == 0, "La fraction n'est pas un nombre entier !" return int(self.n / self.d)
[docs] def reduit(self): """**reduit**\ (*object*) Retourne une version réduite de la fraction, ie calcule le numérateur et le dénominateur >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> repr(Fraction.reduit(Fraction(2*4,5*4))) Fraction(8, 20) >>> repr(Fraction.reduit(Fraction('2*4', '5*4'))) Fraction(8, 20) :param type: Fraction :rtype: Fraction """ if isinstance(self.n, str): self.n = eval(self.n) if isinstance(self.d, str): self.d = eval(self.d) return Fraction(self.n, self.d)
[docs] def simplifie(self): """**simplifie**\ (*object*) Retourne une version irréductible de la fraction >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> repr(Fraction.simplifie(Fraction(2*4,5*4))) Fraction(2, 5) >>> repr(Fraction.simplifie(Fraction('2*4','5*4'))) Fraction(2, 5) :param type: Fraction :rtype: Fraction """ conv = False if isinstance(self.n, str): self.n = eval(self.n) conv = True if isinstance(self.d, str): self.d = eval(self.d) conv = True if conv : self = Fraction(self.n, self.d) conv = False if isinstance(self.n, SquareRoot): s = self.n.simplifie() if s != self.n: self.n = s conv = True if isinstance(self.d, SquareRoot): s = self.d.simplifie() if s != self.d: self.d = s conv = True if conv: return self s = pgcd(self.n, self.d) if self.d != s: return Fraction(self.n // s, self.d // s) else: return self.n // s
[docs] def decompose(self): """**decompose**\ (*object*) Retourne une décomposition de la fraction afin de la simplifier >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> repr(Fraction.decompose(Fraction(8,20))) Fraction("2*4", "5*4", "s") :param type: Fraction :rtype: Fraction """ if isinstance(self.n, str): self.n = eval(self.n) if isinstance(self.d, str): self.d = eval(self.d) conv = False if isinstance(self.n, SquareRoot): s = self.n.simplifie() if s != self.n: self.n = s conv = True if isinstance(self.d, SquareRoot): s = self.d.simplifie() if s != self.d: self.d = s conv = True if conv: return self if self.d == self.n: return 1 else: lepgcd = pgcd(self.n, self.d) if lepgcd == 1: return self else: return Fraction("%r*%s" % (self.n // lepgcd, lepgcd), "%r*%s" % (self.d // lepgcd, lepgcd), "s")
[docs] def traitement(self, final=False): """**traitement**\ (*object*,\ *self*) Finit la mise au même dénominateur ou la simplification de la fraction. Si *final* est vrai, alors essaie de simplifier la fraction. >>> from pyromaths.classes.Fractions import Fraction >>> repr(Fraction("3*4", "3*7", "r").traitement()) Fraction(12, 21) >>> repr(Fraction("3*4", "3*7", "s").traitement()) Fraction(4, 7) >>> repr(Fraction(12, 21).traitement()) Fraction(12, 21) >>> repr(Fraction(12, 21).traitement(True)) Fraction("4*3", "7*3", "s") :param: final :type: boolean :rtype: Fraction """ if self.code == "r": if isinstance(self.n, str): n = eval(self.n) else: n = self.n if isinstance(self.d, str): d = eval(self.d) else: d = self.d return Fraction(n, d) if self.code == "s": if isinstance(self.n, str): n = eval(self.n) else: n = self.n if isinstance(self.d, str): d = eval(self.d) else: d = self.d s = pgcd(n, d) return Fraction(n // s, d // s) if final: return self.decompose() # Pas de traitement spécifique nécessaire return self
